2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Term Graduation Project Calendar:

  1. Submission of topics (Faculty members)
  2. Announcement of topics and calendar (Departmant of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (16 September 2024)
  3. Submission of application forms (Student) (16-27 September 2024)
  4. Adding to course lists (Departmant of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (30 September - 4 October 2024)
  5. Submission of interim report (Student) (24 November 2024)
    1. Interim report format (access link)
  6. Submission of thesis report (Student) (29 December 2024)
    1. Thesis report format and writing guide (access link)
  7. Determination and announcement of thesis evaluation juries (Departmant of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (3 January 2025)
  8. Oral presentation (13 - 17 January 2025)
  9. Poster presentation (13 - 17 January 2025)


EEM 403 Graduation Project Course Documents: 

2024-2025 Fall Term Graduation Project Topics

Graduation Project Flow Chart

Graduation Project Workplace Application Form

Form 1: Topic Suggestion Form

Form 2: Application Form

Form 3: Interim Report Format

Form 4: Interim Evaluation Form

Form 5: Graduation Project Report Writing Guide

Form 6: Report Submission Form

Form 7: Oral Presentation Format

Form 8: Poster Format (Poster printout should be 50cm x 70cm.)

Form 9: Graduation Project Evaluation Form